Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Personality & values

Now its turn for me to shift my focus to personality and values. so far i have been blogging about CEO'S, stock market stuff like that.i would say that personality is a skill which everyone possessess.

Measuring Personality
1.self-report surveys
2.observer-rating surveys
3.projective measures(rorschach inkblot test& thematic apperception test)

self report survey- may produce fake results under "impression management"( hope the reader can understand as it is self-explanated)

observer rating survey-coworker could do the rating

rorschach inkblot test& thematic apperception test- rarely used. individual writes a story about a picture

The Myers-Briggs type indicator-most widely used.100 qustion format. based on the responses people are classified into-
1.extroverts or introverts
2.sensing(practical) versus intuitive( they look at the big picture)
3.thinking(use reason and logic to handle probs) versus feeling( rely on personal values and emotions)
4.judging versus perceiving(spontaneous)

MBTI is widely used in apple computers,GE,AT&T et al

The Big Five Personality Model

extraversion,agreeableness, conscientousness(measure of reliability),emotional stability,openness to experience

16PF( raymond.b. cattell,1940's)
Most LongLived and popular personality questionnaires. published in 40 different languages.

3.emotional stability
7.social boldness
13.openness to change
14.self reliance

MAchiavellianism( niccolo machiavelli)

"if it works,use it". high macs manipulate more,win more, are persuaded less .

Type A-
struggle to achieve more and more in less time.they move rapidly,impatient,cannot cope with leisure time.fast workers
Type B-just the opposite of type A

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