Thursday, April 15, 2010

Best Performing CEO's in the world

Excerpts from the HBR dated jan-feb 2010,
I feel very proud to write this blog and share it with u

CEO"s are the main pillars of an organization. they are responsible for the efficient running of the organization. i wonder they should be paid more salaries but it is a debatable india,there is a limit for CEO'S salaries. in this blog i m gonna present u thye best performingb CEO"S in the world.

1. the innovative king- the man behind ipad,iphone etc. steve jobs of apple.he is not an MBA graduate but took the whole world by surprise by his innovative methods. electronics-yun jong-yong . MBA-no
3.john.t. chambers. he is an MBA . the guy behind the CISCO systems indian. second generation entreperneur. owner of many organizations.he is mukesh mba graduate
5.jefrey.p.bezos- the internet guy. running the famous he is not an MBA
6. the ebay lady- margaret c whitman.she si an mba
7.the search engine guy -goooooogle's eric.e schmidt. not an mba
8.bart becht- an mba graduate. the man who is running the reckitt benckiser group which manufactures dettol
the list goes till 50. as i am running out of time , i will post other best performing CEO'S.
only one indian is there . reliance owned mukesh ambani

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