I have my account in orkut,facebook,twitter. I joined for the main purpose of sharing knowledge and getting knowledge.
It is true that social networking websites have gained enormous importance given the fact that even businessmen have their own account.classic example is Anand Mahindra who often tweets.so does Richard Branson.
The so-called status of social networking has been completely changed, from knowledge sharing aspect to useless silly talks. i have seen lot of status updates completely bullshit.
some of the useless stuff i have come across really upsets me given the fact that social networking is a wonderful tool for businesses to market their products & services .they use it to communicate with their customers.
some of the status updates i have seen keeps me in awkward situations and i land up in my mind not to login the next time.
"its raining now", "I am bored", "I am completely depressed" ,"feels orkut boring ","going to sleep" etc are the updates i have come across
Who listens to such stuff is a question to be asked. A new rule or such related stuff should be introduced to prevent such bizarre situations
Is this why social networking sites even exist?
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